Agile Business

Agile Business  There is a lot of great articles and evidence to support the principles of agile development. It is capable of being more responsive to customer requirements and has the ability to develop better product faster. There is also evidence that agile marketing techniques can deliver better results than traditional marketing, especially when they …

Death to the Roadmap

An obsession with the creation and maintenance of a product roadmap is one of the best ways to stop focusing on your customer. It is a meaningless exercise that adds little or no value to a product organisation. It’s the purpose not the Destination Years ago, when I was in my late teens, my friend …


Having a good software architecture is really important if you want to make money. This article tries to simplify the technology into a very short, non technical article that will help non technical business leaders understand what ‘software architecture’ means’ and why it is important to the bottom line. I was asked by a business …

Mind your Language !

I was speaking to a friend the other day and they asked what is the best programming language. Of course the answer to that is, ‘it depends’, however if you are going to choose a language you should choose one that is popular. If you don’t do that, you mat find it difficult to find …

MOT for Software

It is easy for a software business to slip into bad practices that cost a lot of money in the long run. Check out the health of your software business with the Red25 MOT diagnostic.

Engineering Excuses

“Engineers like to solve problems. If there are no problems handily available, they will create their own problems.” — Scott Adams  Here are my top three great engineers’ excuses and what to do about them. This new technology is cool – we should use it Your development guys will sometimes get bored with what they are doing. …

Stop !

I’m really a big fan of ‘Go, go, go !’. I believe that it’s better to get into action, with risk, as soon as possible. In my view, it is better to fix things on the move rather than get into ‘Paralysis Analysis’. However, at this point, the point you have identified the product you …

Value Pricing

“What is a cynic? A man who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing.”   Oscar Wilde  How do software companies determine the price of their products, and when should they do it ? This article describes some of the ways companies price products  but argues that value based pricing  may be the …


Ideation is a horrible word, but it is a real word. It is the process of generating and developing new ideas. This article is about some methods, which you might find useful when trying to come up with a killer product idea that sticks! How do you get Ideas? There is a lot of talk …